Saturday, March 12, 2005


I believed in love long before I believed in God; however, I can't say that I understand either one of them. In fact, it seems as I get older, they become even harder to figure out. I have to keep check on myself because I have seen people who have become hardened and bitter about love. I never want to be one of those people.

I have a friend who is on a first date this weekend. I think he just remembered how hard it was to let yourself be vulnerable enough to fall in love. There is no easy way to do it, and there is no easy way to bounce back when it goes wrong. That is, if it truly was love.

I guess some people just start believing that truly loving someone else more than you love yourself is just a disaster waiting to happen. However, I have never felt better than when I loved someone like that. Even if he leaves, it still feels right for me to love with all of my heart.

Of course, I have been called an idealist and overly emotional. I think I am the most analytical over-emotional person I ever met. I favor economic theory which assumes human behavior is rational. I think in some way, all of us are predictable. We may change our patterns, but as a whole, most human reactions fall in similar buckets. Albeit there are many buckets, they are buckets just the same. I am happy with the bucket I fall into.

I have loved many people, but I have only really been in love twice. The funny thing is that I have probably had my heart broken half a dozen times.

As I get older, I realize that love isn't just a feeling. It is a committment. It is a sacrifice. It is action. When you say "I love you," I is the subject, love is the verb, and you is the direct object. Get it? Love is a verb. So when you love someone, it manifests itself in everything you do. It comes naturally . . . when you love.

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