Monday, March 21, 2005

Manic Monday

Today went pretty well. The home inspector caught some things with the house but nothing major. I took a lot more pictures of the house. After the home inspection, I went into work. for my first day. I felt like I knew what I was doing for the most part, so that made me happy. I am going to be writing queries and doing a SQL Server data conversion for the most part. I will probably end up doing some .NET development as well. They know I am going to school in the fall so it is a very good set up for me.

I believe that if you ever loved someone, you should never let them become a stranger. However, for the first time in my life, I dated someone who I didn't fall in love with and have no desire to keep in touch with at all. Amazing! He has completely no redeeming qualities that make me even care that I probably won't know anything about him in a matter of months. What a work of art . . .

Now, I probably offended someone who read that and is wondering if I am talking about him. Don't worry, if you aren't completely positive that I was talking about you, then I wasn't talking about you. :-)

I am madly in love with my cats. They are like my little satellites. I have orbiters!

Ah, the results of lacking sleep! I better get to bed so I am coherent tomorrow.

Hugs to everyone!

1 comment:

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Doesn't Jupiter have something like 16 moons? I am not an old maid yet!! :-) Two cats is my limit.