Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Good Bye Florida

Well, this is the last entry from Florida. I am leaving as soon as I figure a way to get everything I can in the car. I had to take the top down to get everything in, and I literally almost could not close the top afterwards. The trunk is so packed that I am not confident if I opened it that I could close it again. The cats might have to sit on some luggage, and their litter box might have to be left behind. Hopefully I will remember to take a picture. It is actually pretty comical. I am a little worried that I can't see out the back window. I am not sure how much I use that when I am driving.

I didn't sleep that well last night; I guess I had too many things running through my head. I am stopping in Savannah tonight then driving the rest of the way tomorrow. I found an apartment to sublease for a month so I am going to drive straight there from the hotel.

When Kim and Tony left, some people shed tears. My good byes were pretty cheerful all the way around. I think I got to say good bye to almost everyone in person. Of course, I have some friends in Gainesville that I don't get to see before I leave.

Looks like it is just me and the cats . . .

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