Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Rainy Day

It was raining when I got off of work today. Yuck. 20 miles per hour on the interstate is not fun. I almost took an hour to get home. Reminds me again why I try to live somewhere close in proximity to where I need to be.

Work went well today; some of the other contractors were actually asking me for help. Not too bad for my second day. I have decided that I am much more of a database girl than a programming girl. I love relational database models! They are so darn logical (when in third normal form of course).

I have renamed myself at work. (You computer geeks out there will appreciate this.) They asked me if I went by Pamela or Pam, and I said yes. They were writing our names on the white board, so I just had them put Pam*. Now who out there got that?

I scheduled my POD to arrive at my house the day that I close. I still don't have any help moving into my house. :-( I need volunteers. I would offer my extra Reba McEntire, Brad Paisley, and Joe Nichols ticket as an incentive (since the concert is that Saturday), but not many people I know like country music. In fact, I have had some people say "I'll help you move, but I wouldn't be caught dead at that concert." Oh well.

I am very thankful for all the things I have in my life. I have everything but one thing that I really want. It is funny how that one thing becomes your focus. Although I like nice things and am successful, materiality and career have never been my priorities. And your true success is based on your goal in life - not the goals everyone else has set for you. I'll keep working on it.

I guess I didn't mention to people that I haven't actually moved into my house yet. Some people were commenting on how nice my furniture was and, boy, do I have a lot of tools. No, no, the people haven't quite moved out yet. I am going to have to go shopping to even fill up that house half way. Of course, Ann is the ultimate decorator, so I will definitely have to borrow her expertise.

Anything else? Hmmm. I want a lower interest rate! I am going to make some calls. Hugs to all.

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