Friday, March 11, 2005

Pam's Going Away

Today is Friday, and I am throwing a going away party for myself tonight. I actually got my butt out of bed this morning to go to the Body Flow class at 8:30 AM. Ugh. I think I went to bed sometime after one. I was adding friends to my website. (

About 20 of my friends are coming to my party tonight which should be exciting. Some people from Hough, others from high school, some who are friends of friends, some from church, and some from various other association. To Channelside we go. Only I would pick a Thai restaurant even though I don't like Thai food. I think everyone will enjoy it though.

I close on my house April 15th. I like the house; it was the best out of the ones I looked at. It isn't my dream home by any means, but I think it is pretty darn good for a college student! (

Pearl is all ready for the trip. She has new oil, new coolant, a new oil seal (whatever that is), and four brand new tires. I will try not to run into any curbs and crack them this time.

I am going to miss my friends in Tampa Bay, but I know there is nothing else here for me. The adventure begins . . .

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