Sunday, March 13, 2005

Antici . . . pation

I didn't realize that moving like this would be so anticlimatic. I guess part of the reason is because I don't have any set plans for the next few months except closing on my house. Another reason is because I just chose an arbitrary day to move and will be driving up with just my personal possessions because all of my other stuff was shipped up in a POD. It is just me and the cats. I really don't even know anyone in North Carolina. Part of me wants to just hop in the car and start driving right now. However, I have to pick Ann up at the airport and have plans with a few friends tomorrow.

Life changes so quickly, and I realize that people do too. Some believe that people can't change. I believe that people change every day. Furthermore, I believe you can change other people. Now, I will have to qualify that statement because reading it just as it is, I would even have to argue. I think you can hurt another person so badly that they could never be the same or take years to recover. I believe that if you loved someone enough, it could help them be who they want to be. However, you can't change a person to your will, especially if it isn't what that person wants.

I have changed so much over the years. Some things have made me stronger, and some things have made me weaker. Most things have made me wiser, and that wisdom has made me realize how incredibly much I don't know. Funny huh?

The message at church today was how to "descend into greatness." Those who are last will be first. Being humble is often considered a derogatory term. However, I think being humble is one of the hardest and most noble things in the world. Having the courage to admit when you need help, having the self-control to love instead of hate, being secure enough in yourself to be able to serve others - all attributes of humility.

Well, I told Francis that I would call him, and why wouldn't I want to be treated to dessert at the Cheesecake Factory? I wonder if they have a Cheesecake Factory in Charlotte . . .

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