Sunday, March 20, 2005

End of the Weekend

We had fun this weekend. On Friday, we went to a sports bar and had a appetizer pizza. On Saturday, we went to some nice restaurants and a comedy club. Today, I slepted too lo9ng to go to church, but we ended up at another sports bar for luch. Evidently, Charlotte residents are big on the NCAA basketball tournament. I was witness to March Madness in all of its glory.

I went shopping for some work clothes today, but I didn't have much luck. Evidently, I need to find the mall in South Charlotte that is supposed to have all the stores that I like.

I am a little apprehensive about starting work tomorrow. I mean, I didn't interview with the company so I am not quite sure what they expect of me. I am also out of practice with the whole 40 hour work week. No more 3 AM bed times for Pam.

This is going to be a short entry as I don't have much to report.

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