Thursday, March 24, 2005

Florida Girl

You can tell that I am from Florida; I am the only one still wearing a sweater to work. :-)

Rebecca, my roomate, and I went shopping tonight and had dinner at Chik-fil-a. I bought a cute black dress for $13 and a fabulous black skirt. How exciting!

People keep asking me how I can afford such nice stuff - house, car, etc. Some people think I must be spoiled. No one has given me money that I haven't earned except my Auntie Dora through some savings bonds (out of the goodness of her heart). I have always saved my money. I applied for scholarship. I am usually wise with my money. I have never left a balance on a credit card. My car is paid off, and my house payment won't be much more than what I would have to pay to rent an apartment. I have money in the bank; I tithe to my church and give to charity. I lend money to people I love. I work hard and smart. I guess I get a little defensive because I have strived to do so well, and sometimes people look askance at my success.

It is surprising how people perceive you differently than you are. For instance, many people think I am very career and money oriented. However, I am completely family oriented. I just don't have that family yet, and I am doing what I can with what I have.

Hmm. Maybe I am grumpy tonight; Pam needs her sleep.

Sweet Dreams.

1 comment:

Peijen said...

That is so true. I have know Pam long enough to know that she has nice things in her life because she works hard for it.

And you don't have to be defensive about it. Most people don't know better. Just be condescending to them, like I do :)
