Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wandering Aimlessly

It is really hard to be friends with most guys. Some guys, you can develop friendships. However, at a certain point most guys want more than a friendship. And if you don't want more than that, they think, well if she doesn't like me enough to date, then why should I be her friend? See, most girls have developed this system. Albeit, the system is flawed, but it does work for a little while. It is called rationing. You see, you can only hang out with those guy friends that you are worried about it getting to this point with sporadically. It can't become a consistent thing. The moment it becomes consistent, then he is going to want to cuddle . . . but if you wait a little bit longer than you would have otherwise desired, he gets mixed signals and decides to wait a little longer. Now, when I say mixed signals, it has nothing to do with what you ACTUALLY TELL HIM. Guys never hear the "we are just friends" when they don't want to. Anyway, that was just a tangent I decided to take.

In geometry, what is the definition of a tangent again? Isn't it a line on the perimeter of a circle that is parallel with the center. Or is it a line that is on the perimeter of a circle and at a right angle with aline though the radius/diameter? I just don't remember.

I am getting my hair cut in about half an hour, so I am going to get out of my PJ's now and be presentable.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small Correction Pam.

It is really hard for most guys to be just friends with an ATTRACTIVE female. We want more. It is hard for us to be friends with you and watch you date others - when we think you should be dating us. "What - I'm not good enough for her to date, and she's dating THAT Loser? I'll show her - I won't be friends with her at ALL. So THERE!" Little insight into the male thought process. ;) Our Egos rule us.

"THEN he is going to want to cuddle" - hmmm, haven't heard a woman describe a guy like that before...LOL. Usually the other way around. What kind of guys are you hanging out with, anyway? :)

And in seeing your picture here (and reading your posts), it is very easy to see why you have this problem with men. You are approachable, comfortable, beautiful - 'wife' material. :)

A tangent is a line that touches a curve at a single point. Since the center of a circle is a single point - guess everything is parallel with it. :)

Hope the haircut came out great - I need one badly myself.

Question for you - with seemingly so many guy friends in your life, does this cause issues with your boyfriends?