Monday, August 29, 2005

Joel, Psychic?

So after I got up this morning, Joel told me he had jumped straight out of bed from some kind of nightmare. He had a premonition that something was wrong in the house. At this point, I would have probably gone back to sleep or at the very most gotten up to check my e-mail. Joel searched every room of the house. He actually found a baby snake underneath the dining room table! Scary! Luckily it was out of the house by the time I woke up.

I have class at 6:30 PM. I think Napoleon might have dropped, so I think it might just be Su and I in the class. It is kind of funny because we seem to keep getting put together for various projects.

Work went well today. I like when I am working closely with someone instead of doing something completely on my own. Woody and I have been splitting up work on this one project that is due in a few weeks. I went in early today because I didn't quite put in my 4 hours that I had logged for the weekend.

Todd has flown the coop. He is flying to Germany and the Ukraine. He will be gone for two weeks. Muhammed has been busy being a full-time student, good son and nephew, and a full-time dad. So I haven't seen him for a bit.

I want to take a weekend trip soon, but I don't think it will happen this weekend because Auntie Dora and Doug will be in town on Thursday and Friday. I have sent them a few e-mails about their trip, but I haven't heard anything back yet. I am not the greatest host as I haven't had much practice.

Anything else noteworthy going on? Hmmm. I have had some stuff going on in my head, but I think it might be a little too convoluted to try to elucidate on my blog. I know, I know, what a cop out.

1 comment:

Muhammed Saboor said...

what you got going on in your filing system Pam? hmmm?