Monday, August 22, 2005

Good News on an Otherwise Stressful Day

Being the conservative person I am, I put that my class was from 6 PM - 10 PM. However, I just found out it is from 6:30 PM - 9:20 PM. Yay! It doesn't help much for today since I am already on campus, but it will be useful in the future. I did find a computer with Internet access, so I am good to go. I went by the dept. and was able to borrow the copier to make a copy of my rebate paperwork for my new JUMP DRIVE. Another yay!

Having male friends is stressful. It is annoying when most of my best friends are guys and when I start dating someone, I lose my support group. On one hand I understand, but on another hand, I feel betrayed. I feel like maybe they are only such good friends because of alterior motives. What am I supposed to do? I can't fix everything. I do have some good friends that are girls, but I don't want to lose any of my friends.

Anyhow, the reason I can't wait until Wednesday is because that is my day off from school and work. I can actually get some stuff done. Monday and Tuesdays are my long days. This Wednesday I am going to my laser hair removal appointment, meeting with the profs on campus, and going out on a date with Todd. He will be leaving for Europe for two weeks this coming weekend.

I went back to work after my week vacation. I am helping Woody with a project that is due in two weeks. We have a lot to do for it, and I am worried that my working only 18 hours a week may not be enough time.

Joel seems to be settling in nicely. He hung the hammock and put together my filing cabinet today. I left him looking at the NC DOT site for driver license information. I worry that he won't get out and make other friends. I want him to be happy here.

Uh oh, I am getting sleepy. I feel it. Ugh. Must stay awake for the first day of class. Wish me luck!

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