Saturday, August 20, 2005

I'm Oriented Now

I just got back from Grad Orientation. Amy left for New Orleans this morning. I am officially roommateless for about 8 whole hours. Joel is due in later today. Boy, am I sleepy.

Let me finish my summary on California.

Wednesday Continued: Went to the Legion of Honor Museum with Auntie Dora. Saw an exhibit on wearable art. That night we rode the Muni (like a subway) to see the play Wicked. Wow, it was awesome. I highly recommend it.

Thursday: Went with Uncle Jensen to Sausalito. Met Kevin, Melinda, and Cammy there. Ate lunch at Poggio. Shopped at some of the local venues. Met some more of the family for dinner at Chevy's Mexican restaurant. My friend Tanu from work also met us. She just moved to San Fransisco this week. She came with us back to Auntie Es and Uncle Herb's place for fresh peach pie. That night I hung out with my cousin Wesley.

Friday: Woke up and went to breakfast with the bon voyage committee. Uncle Herb, Uncle Ray, Uncle Jensen, and Dave saw me off safely to the airport. I got to Charlotte around 10:30 PM. And the previous post should have brought you up-to-date with the rest.

I am excited to start school on Monday. It was neat being back on campus and meeting some of the new graduate students. I am a little worried that work and school will be too much, but we will see how it works out.

It is nice being home. I really enjoyed my trip, but there is something to be said about sleeping in my own bed with my own kitties. I am going to take a nap so I can be productive later. What has everyone else been up to?

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