Monday, August 01, 2005

Rejoining the Living

I left from work about 20 minutes early and went home, straight to bed. This weekend got my sleeping schedule completely out of whack. I woke up around 8 PM, and I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. I have some work that needs to be done for work that I said I would take a look at tonight. Su and I are meeting tomorrow so I should work some on that before he comes over.

Joel is flying out and leaving the military for good. He is actually flying through Charlotte on his way to Gainesville, so I am going to try to meet him at the airport for lunch on Wednesday. Dave said he is in Panama City right now and may be able to come visit me later in the week for a few days. I need to call Liz tonight because today is her birthday. Happy Birthday, Liz! Called Francis yesterday. He called me a few times a few days back. He is doing well. He closed on his townhouse. I may stay there when I go down for Pedro and Jamie's wedding.

So, I might have kinda met someone, but I probably won't get to see him again for three weeks or so. So does that count as meeting someone? I don't know how all that works. I should learn better than saying anything about guys on my blog - gets me in trouble. Mums the word.

So, let's talk about me! I felt very productive last week, but I think I am lulling a little this week. I finally got my new license plate. Now they tell me I have to get my car inspected! Jess has to get her car inspected too, so maybe we can make a chick event out of it.

I was told I need to remove my phone number and address from my website. It is great when people are over-protective. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (Sincerity, not sarcasm.) I am going to procrastinate for a bit. I don't feel like updating my website right now.

Amy and Dominique are outside playing basketball. I am sitting inside in boxer shorts. They are actually very large boxers, left over from four relationships removed. I really need to get my hair cut soon.

Everyone cross your fingers. Jess had an interview in North Charlotte today. We all want her to get the job so we can move her up with the rest of us. South Charlotte is just too far away.

Well, everything is sounding quite mundane today, so I am going to get going. Anything exciting going on with anyone else?



Anonymous said...

I felt intense jealousy that you may have met someone. You seem like such an amazing, introspective, caring woman. Perfect in your imperfections. Beautiful in your struggle.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Wow, that was so wonderfully poetic. Thank you. Um, who are you?