It was pouring on the way home today. I got home and dried off. I lit some candles and put on Norah Jones. I have it good. I need to remember to be thankful.
I convinced Todd that he really wanted to visit Charlotte today so he is on his way. Muhammed and Kirk are pirating software. I was going to see if I could pick up a copy of SQL Server Developers edition. I have enterprise, but I am having problems creating a local instance of a database. You are supposed to be able to install MSDE as the local engine, but I keep getting error messages about not having the right updates. I gave up.
Muhammed suggested I should talk about politics next and see how many boats I can rock. I never really cared much about politics. This was the first year I ever voted. I voted for Bush. I am not even quite sure why. I know he is a Christian. Kerry seemd shady to me. Overall, I would say that I lean toward Republican.
Art and I had a huge fight about this. I said that welfare needed to be reformed, and we shouldn't give hand outs to people. He said that welfare is good, and we need it. He is one of those bleeding hearts who never had to worry about money himself. It seems like it makes him feel a sense of philanthropy by wanting to help people, but he separates himself from them. Almost puts himself above them like they need him. It is almost like Marie Antoinnette saying "let them eat cake."
Giving people money because they aren't working is a disincentive. Shoot, if I ended up making about as much living off the government as spending the time at home, I would do it. I don't think we should just abandon those who need help, but I believe that we should really HELP them. There is a saying about giving fish versus teaching someone how to fish, but I am not going to use that one since I dislike seafood.
I have been poor. I lived in a fifth wheel with my sister, mom, and mom's boyfriend. We threw our garbage in a pit in the yard. Going to Ryan's Steakhouse was a treat. We never took family vacations. We lived in a trailer with holes in the floor. I lived on my own my senior year of high school, and I worked at a Jiffy Lube because I could walk there from my apartment. My parents didn't pay a cent of my college education. I didn't have a car until I was 22. Don't get me wrong - I know that my mom did good keeping food (corned beef hash, macaroni and cheese, and ramen noodles - some of my favorites) on the table.
The point is that I worked my butt off to get where I am. I guess it makes it harder for me to have sympathy for others. I think most people have it in them to make it on their own. The government could help by subsidising education, providing low cost childcare, or creating programs to teach people how to save and invest money for the future. Teach people how to be self-sufficient.
I know it might sound a little harsh, but I think those who know me know that I would almost do anything for anyone. But I refuse to do something that would essentially hurt someone or just maintain the status quo. I like fixing problems not band-aiding them.
That is all the politics I have in me. This post reminds me of a conversation my friend Ann and I had. We are both fairly successful and independent women, and I think our experiences have formed similar viewpoints for us. Anyone over hearing our conversation would have probably thought we were pretty snooty. :-)
Lightning from the top of the clouds . . . Ah, Norah Jones. So soothing. I need to finish the help file for the UNCC project I am working on. Am I going to do that ot am I going to procrastinate until Todd gets here . . . hmmmm.
Monday, August 08, 2005
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When Bill Clinton (Democrat) was president, he worked with the Republicans to reform the welfare system. Our economy was strong, and most other countries loved us.
Fast forward to Bush. NOTHING is better for America now, than it was under Clinton. The economy has tanked. We are deficit spending beyond belief. People that ignored 9/11 warnings -- and then had the audacity to make up lies and fight a war in Iraq on false pretenses -- are being REWARDED for their loyalty (despite the fact that they were wrong). The tax cuts that Bush talks about primarily go to big business. The administration cares NOTHING of the environment, and has the audacity to make laws such as "Clear Skies Act" which actually allows companies to pollute MORE! They are corrupt liars, drunk on power and greed.
I am by no means a bleeding-heart liberal, but between moderate (Clinton) and neo-fascist (Bush/Cheney), I sure know who I would pick.
Schnappi, why do you feel the need to post your opinion which has nothing to do with the post? You saw republican and disregarded everything that was written beyond that word.
If you looked at what she wrote it goes beyond parties it goes into looking into the political process here in America.
“This was the first year I ever voted. I voted for Bush. I am not even quite sure why. I know he is a Christian. Kerry seemed shady to me. Overall, I would say that I lean toward Republican.”
This statement does not represent a neo-conservative or a moderate; it shows how the people today are left out of the political process. When one picks either side they say what they represent, which is quite different from what the parties represent. Our government no longer represents the people, it represents itself. Republicans and Democrats alike won’t let any issue arise that endorses reform to their power structure.
The elections are based on Ideologies and not on issues that matter like welfare or public housing. They were based on looks, key phrases, and feelings. This is something worthwhile having a conversation about, not about your personal hatred for the republicans. Don’t get me wrong I’m no fan, but I respect other people’s opinions. The freedom of speech is something of a luxury compared to any other country, yet here it is lost in emotions. In a democratic society there must be to conflicting ideals or else we would be hailing a Pharaoh.
Though I have different views on politics than Pam, but I enjoy the ability to talk and reason. Through this type of communication we gain understanding, this is the means by which democracies flourish.
Your comments seem a bit personal, why not start blog yourself where you can post all the idealistic comments that you like. I for one would love to have a conversation with you. If not then why not act like a gentleman? You can state your opinion without being rude or ignorant.
You obviously enjoy reading the posts since you’re the first to comment, why not act accordingly. No one is forcing you to read so why force yourself to write this way?
Good point Dave, I was wrong. I just get a little frustrated at times. Not to fond of people attacking friends. I'm only human, still can't sync with my computer although I would like to. Gonna have to stick with the keyboard and typing apologies.
I love you guys. Schnappi, you are always welcomed to post here, but I do hope you have something positive to say one of these days. ;-)
I'm with Pam on the welfare reform. We had it bad growing up and we succeeded - on our own, because we worked hard and we tried. It really really annoys me when someone tries to tell me that I "just don't understand" because I must have had a "nice life." Ha. Little do they know. Everything we have, we have because we worked for it.
And that, incidentally, was the main point of the post as I saw it...not the whole R vs. D debate...
I am all for welfare reform. As I pointed out, Bill Clinton did a fine job of that.
I don't have much sympathy for people making seven figures a year, whining about the "advantages" of people making SEVEN DOLLARS AN HOUR.
When people get too much money and power, they become greedy, corrupt, and detached from reality. That is a perfect description of the leadership of the Republican party.
I am not trying to be mean to Pam, but based on what she has said, I cannot fathom how she would "lean toward Republican."
Plus, I have already been nice, I called her a sweetheart.
"I know he is a Christian. Kerry seemed shady to me."
Nooooooooo, Pam, not you! You are smarter than that. Been a Christian has no bearing on been a good President, and I am not sure I would say Bush is a good Christian either.
I my opinion Bush is everything that's wrong with most of Christians I disagree with. Fundamentalism, anti-progress, and anti-intelligence. I mean how can you trust a guy to handle trillions of dollars when he use the term 'fuzzy math?'
I am a bleeding-heart liberal, and I would say anyone who voted for Bush becuase he is a republican betrayed republican ideals and those who voted for Bush because he is a Christain is blind by religion.
Also I don't see how people can think Kerry is more shady than Bush, not that Kerry is great but Bush just sucks that much.
Pei, you have a good point. I think the point I was trying to make was that I was pretty indifferent about politics and didn't have a good basis for voting one way or another. I know I need to be more aware of the platforms of each candidate, and I hope to find the time to do that in the future.
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