Tuesday, August 09, 2005

People are Strange

It is amazing how different we all are. Not that long ago, I assumed that everyone was generally like me. You know, it won't be hard to find a guy to fall in love with, get along with, get married, and have babies. Wow, was I wrong.

Did you know that men and women were so different? And furthermore, guys are completely different than each other. It is crazy! I am way too much of a humanist to be studying computers. People fascinate me.

BTW, I was told that I kiss differently than most people. That perturbed me a little bit. Okay, out of the 15.5 guys I have kissed (EVER), the percentage that might hit my blog is about . . . say . . .

OMG, I just realized that I have actually only kissed 14.5 guys! (Unless I am forgetting one which is unlikely since I posted most of them on my website.) That is awesome. I like keeping my numbers low.

. . . anyway, back to the subject at hand . . . 45%, maybe we can have some input on this. I am self-conscious now. I am never going to kiss anyone else again! Okay, so maybe that is a little over dramatic.

Just hanging out at home tonight. I worked on the UNCC project a bit with Su (hehe, a Boy Named Su). And I have just puddled around on-line. I am too sleepy to be productive for anymore of the day.

Oh, I heard this today on the radio . . . hugs increase your positive hormones and help make you happier. Hugs to you!


Anonymous said...

"OMG, I just realized that I have actually only kissed 14.5 guys! (Unless I am forgetting one which is unlikely since I posted most of them on my website.) That is awesome. I like keeping my numbers low."

Hey, no cheating. There was that one time when we got drunk ... Just because you don't remember doesn't mean it don't count.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Pei, you and everyone else know better than that. :-) When have you ever seen me drunk?

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Jason, wow, that is pretty impressive. What are you holding out for?

Anonymous said...


Hey get on AIM I need to talk to you. My new AIM is peijenlin

Muhammed Saboor said...

Umm.. what does 14.5 mean did you kiss a vertivallly challanged person? Did .5 mean he kissed you? I thought you might have some math for this, I thought I'd ask.

As for my kissing numbers they are stored in a encrypted file on my cpu, I can't access them.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

0.5 means I didn't kiss back . . .

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Pei, why send an anonymous comment then put your screen name for everyone to see?

Anonymous said...

Because I forgot to put the name in the box that says name.

Anonymous said...

If you want to make it 15.5, you just let me know ;)