Sunday, June 17, 2007

When I'm Forty

I'll be a writer, a drawer, and I'll be a painter. I'll have one child, two horses, a two-story mansion, two pets - a cat and a dog, and a husband. I want to be wealthy and I will live in New York. I want a convertible, a limousine, and a Ferarri, too. I'll play tennis every week.

--Pam Karr, October 17, 1988

If the Whole World was Under Water

I think we would know how to live if we were born that way. We wouldn't have things like houses and metal but we would have lots of cyclones, wind, storms, and not many plants, but there would be seaweed though. We would eat seaweed and fish and the fish like most sharks would eat us. We would make things like making a knife with coral or with shark's teeth. We would learn how to know whitch directions were whitch. We would build things like rafts so we can plant things.

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