Thursday, June 07, 2007


Originally, I had something to say here, but I don't know if I do anymore. I am preparing for work tomorrow. Kinda bored.

I love so many people. It is probably why I get hurt so often. I have such a big heart, and I get unhappy when there aren't people around for me to love. Obviously there are different types of love and some types are more fulfilling then others. I love my friends and my family. I have a love for strangers and animals. I love experiences and places. I don't know; maybe I am just weird.

Along with love, I also have a lot of gas lately. My tummy is full of air. I have been drinking one of the DanActive drinks every day, and I think that is the culprit. They are yummy though. I like the blueberry one the best so far.

Okay, you can see what happens when I don't have much to say - I say random and strange things. Ahhh.

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