Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I wish Friday evening was here already!! I am excited about going on my first camping trip with my boyfriend to revisit the mountains and waterfalls that I love. I want to get out of Charlotte for a while and to be able to relax. Come on Friday!!

We are pretty well prepared for this trip. I bought Mike a two person sleeping bag. He bought a huge tent for when he went camping last month with his dad and his sister. We bought a Coleman gas stove, lanterns, queen size blow up mattress, table cloths, food, ponchos, a compass, cooking pots . . . you name it. He teased me about getting a "lugaloo" which is basically a toilet seat for a bucket since I have to pee every 15 minutes. Ha ha, very funny. :-|

Hmmm. The arrow keys on my new keyboard are not working. And now, when I try to type an apostrophe, the text search on Firefox is popping up instead. Very strange. All these technical difficulties. Sheesh.

I am going to be up working for a while tonight because I napped for a few hours today. Tomorrow, I am working from home. Monday night I have to do more statistical analysis from campus. I wonder how much it costs if I just bought the full version of LISREL. Googling. Yikes! $495. Forget that.

I am in the mood for a cafe mocha with extra mocha. However, I know it will immediately put me to sleep after drinking it. It would make sense then for sleeping pills to make me awake, but no - they just make me really sleepy. I am destined to sleep, I guess.

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