Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Jazz Cafe

Mike said he liked Jazz and Cajun food, so I found a place called the Jazz Cafe. We went there tonight and heard a band out of Winston-Salem play. The place wasn't very busy on a Tuesday night, but it was neat to explore some place new. However, I now owe Ru my other sock to chew on because he probably had to do his business in the kitchen since Mike will be home later than Ru's usual nightly walk. Sorry buddy! (Look at me, I am apologizing to a dog on my blog - like he will ever read it. Mike didn't even show him the ecard I had sent Ru a few weeks ago!)

Ah, so anyway, I am off to bed soon. I have to catch up on some of my work for work tomorrow, opposed to all the work I have been helping other people with lately. It would be ironic if they fired me for lack of productivity then realized that the productivity of half of my team dropped when I was gone. After my work for work, I have to do some work for school and to prepare for my new work on Friday.

The department chair offered me a teaching position in the fall. I had previously not been assigned a class. I am contemplating if I want to do it or not. The experience and the extra money are good things, but time is already a scarce resource. We shall see.

Hmmm. JUst did some data analysis. It isn't a good thing when you aren't finding much significance between your construct and your dependent variables. Needs more work.

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