Monday, June 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Dave!!

Pamela Karr (4/2/2007 1:03:22 AM): love me?
Dave Price (4/2/2007 6:50:17 AM): exponentially
Dave Price (4/2/2007 6:51:08 AM): infinitely
Dave Price (4/2/2007 6:51:10 AM): without fail
Dave Price (4/2/2007 6:51:12 AM): without effort
Dave Price (4/2/2007 6:51:30 AM): i love you pam

Dave is one of my bestest friends, and he is turning 27 years old!

Dave and I met when I was 15 years old - we had PhysEd together. I would finish running the mile before everyone else (because I am kinda competitive), but then I would about pass out, and he would carry me to the bleachers. We lost touch the latter half of high school, but we caught back up when I moved back to Gainesville for college. He was always there to move heavy objects. He was one of the few people to come and visit me when I was interning in Atlanta. He drove me up to Charlotte for a weekend and helped me pick out my house. One time he drove to see me off at the airport when I came to visit my mom, and we didn't have a chance to meet up beforehand. Last time I saw him was in May when I went down for Joel's graduation. He is like family to me. Dave loves kids and will be starting as an elementary school teacher this coming year. He has always been there for me, and he always knows how to make me feel loved. I only wish I got to see him more often.

Happy Birthday, Dave! I love you!

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