Monday, June 18, 2007

From My Sis . . .

The A to Z of Pam (Written in 2004)

A Ability, which covers a lot of things. Ability to love, ability to do, etc.

B Braininess. Or should I just say Brainiac?

C Caring. You care about other people.

D Determination and lots of it

E Ed. As in Mr. Anyone that loves Mr. Ed is awesome.

F Faith.

G Giving.

H Healing. You're working at it right now.

I Intensity. Whatever you do, you do with great intensity and skill.

J Jerks. As in learning that you don't have to deal with them and can cut them lose

K Keeping things to yourself. I can tell you stuff I can't tell Lisa.

L Loving.

M Mommy-ness. You're a good mom to your cats and someday, you'll be a good mom for your kids.

N No-nonsense. When you want something, you go after it.

O Overachiever! If I'd studied half as hard as you, there's no telling what I'd know

P Pam!

Q Quirky.

R Risky. At least, you're starting to take more chances, and that's good.

S Silliness (see E). And you can laugh at yourself. Or, Spam.

T Talent. You're so talented you're scary. (except at kickboxing and aerobics...)

U Unusual. You're you're own person and you don't try to be somebody else.

V Vivid. You stand out from the crowd.

W Wistful. You've got hopes and dreams.

X Xcellent, as Pedro says. And besides, you are, and X is the hardest letter.

Y Youthful. You've got your whole life ahead of you.

Z Zesty. Because you are and there aren't that many words that start with Z.

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