Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sound and the Furry

It has been a while since I felt calm and peaceful inside; I have been antsy for months now. I am thankful that last semester went really well. In the beginning of the semester, I thought it was going to pretty much be a disaster. Yet, I haven't been so productive this summer. I have been getting a lot of work related work done, but I really need to do more research. Research is harder to get done when I am not quite in the right mindset to do it. The goals are more ambiguous and the the deliverables are a lot less structured. It makes it easier to get overwhelmed and to procrastinate.

I have been sleeping a lot lately, seems more than usual. Went to the doctor recently, and she prescribed Lipitor for my high cholesterol. I started taking that yesterday so I don't know what kind of side effects if any it will cause. I have been trying to exercise more - some pilates and elliptical machine work outs. Also trying to eat better. I bought some of the DanActive Immunity drink things (ironic because Mike bought them for the first time the same day that I did). I have been trying to take my Flintstones, flax seed, and fiber tablets more often. So I have been trying at least . . .

Chris went to surprise Amber at work tonight (she works at Uno's as her second job) so it is just me and the cats in the house tonight. I feel safer when he is here. Sometimes I think I am scared of the dark because I sleep so much better during the day time. I don't like sleeping alone at night; I like having someone there to protect me, even if it is just from my own nightmares. The cats help, but it isn't quite the same as having an armpit to cuddle in. I guess we are all afraid of something.

I wish the things I am naturally drawn to do paid more money to do them. I really like finding ways to directly help people, back good causes, plan events, find ways to make things better. I like taking on leadership roles and working with people and ideas. I tend to be a little too warm and fuzzy for the business world and a little too practical for the academic one.

Scuro is downstairs meowing distraughtly because Ra and I are upstairs. Soon, I will carry Ra downstairs and both cats will be happy. I like making them happy; it is part of my job in this world. The are good cats, and I love them.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Are they too lazy to take the stairs themselves now/?