Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I had a chick-fil-a sandwich and a cookies and cream milkshake for lunch today. Maybe I am lactose intolerant or just drank too much cookies and cream, but I ended up tossing my cookies (literally, figuratively) later this afternoon. I am still not feeling 100%, but I am feeling a little better after laying down for an hour or two. Getting old is overrated. Ugh.

I wish I were famous enough to get quoted. I bet I could come up with some great quotes . . .

"True love is nothing unless followed by consistent action."
"Lonliness kills more people than famine, plague, and war. We have just yet to bury the bodies."
"Never trust a promise from a person who does not know himself."
"No one ever died wishing that they had spent more time working and less time loving."
"We all believe we are good people. Our actions define if we really are."
"You must love yourself before you can learn to love someone else."
"We all want to be loved by another as we are loved by our pets - without abandon and without risk of getting hurt."
"We are born knowing how to be selfish. It is how to give we must be taught."
"There is no such thing as equality between men and women, only a understanding of the differences between them.
"Admitting fault is a sign of character."
"When one thinks they know everything, they have lost the ability to learn."

Okay, I am done being pedantic or the night. I have to brush my teeth and get ready for dinner.

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