Sunday, April 03, 2005

NC has Tulips!

Tulips are my favorite flower. Only one guys has ever gotten me tulips; they are fabulous! They don't grow tulips in Florida because the bulps need to have a fairly decent freeze to grow. I am very happy that I am living where tulips can grow. It is very exciting!

Okay, everyone, - put this in your record books. I worked a 70 hour week this week. Woo hoo! This is coming from the Pam who has never worked more than a 45 hour week.

Okay, Brad informed me that the posts on my blog were a little depressing. I need to rememdy that. Myself, I just thought they were reflective. However, I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression.

I am happy right now. I feel better about myself probably than I ever have before. In fact, I pretty much think I kick butt. (Still couldn't bring myself to swear!) I am going back for a PhD so I can be called Dr. Pam. Moreover, they are paying me to go back to school. I am working for twice as much an hour than I probably would have accepted. Although I probably gained 10 pounds at work this week, I am in better shape than I have ever been. I have more money in the bank than I ever have. I know who my true friends are. I have two great cats. (BTW, Ra's birthday was two days ago. He is 5 years old.) I love my car and my cell phone. I have been regularly making it to church for the past few months. I found an apartment situation that was ideal for a month. I am buying a really nice house. I am strengthening my relationship with my family - not by doing just what makes them happy, but by communicating my boundaries and needs with them. I have remembered that I am actually desirable to men (at least a sample size of the population that can be normally distributed using the law of large numbers). I am not apologizing for who I am or what I like. For instance, I love country music and God! Thanks to Pedro, my computer is back up and running. I have goals and things going on that make me feel useful. I am volunteering more, and I am being a good friend. Even though I am still madly in love with Sean, I know he still loves me even though he left. I also know that I am worth loving by Sean or the next guy I choose to fall in love with. I have been perfecting my balance between confidence and pride, humility and low-self esteem. I am independent and accomplished. I know who I am and what I want.

There, that doesn't sound depressing, does it?

God, I know that I tend to worry about the things that I do not have, but I would like you to know that I am very thankful for the things I do have. And, God, please focus on those who need you more than me before answering my prayers. I know that time is not a concept to you, but I offer some other's needs up to you first: Please bless Liz and Chantz's relationship so that they have a loving and stable family environment for Kayla to grow up in. Please help Amber and her husband move to Georgia so that they might get into a better life situation. Please bless the relationship between Ann and Rick. Please help Ann decide if she should move to Las Vegas. Please keep my mom in good health and help her to stop smoking. Please show Kim and Tony happiness in Kentucky and help Kim's back heal. Bless Pedro and Jamie in their engagement. Help them adjust their work schedules so that hat can find more time to spend with each other. Help Stephanie sell her house. And when she moves in with her fiancee Dale, bless that new phase in their life. Bless my friend Kenny. He is a really great guy and will make the right woman very happy. Help Chip with his depression and his health. Give him outlets so that he can enjoy himself and get out of the house. Help Wei's family's business and help her relationship with her boyfriend. Help Sean with his money issues and help in succeed in school and his career. Bring Joel home safely from Afganistan. And God, please position me to be where you want me to be to help others when they are in need. You have blessed me so many times over. Without you, I would be lost. Who knows, I could be in jail, on drugs, homeless, locked-up, or even dead if your grace and mercy didn't save me. I credit you with all that I am. Thank you God. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Here is a thread for those of you out there . . . name something that you are thankful for, and why? For instance, I am very thankful for you!



Anonymous said...

You do kick ass, and have a nice one...respectfully.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Anonymous, come on people, step up to the plate! Who the heck said that one?

liraelwiddershins said...

And happiness to Mom & Lisa (et al), even though they'll never see this since they seem to be allergic to the Internet. Or maybe it's just electronic stuff in general.