Monday, April 25, 2005

Couch and Love Seat

I bought a couch and love seat today. I am a little worried that I won't like them once they get to my house. They kind of match Ra. Man, he is such a happy cat. He is sitting on my lap right now, looking up at me with closed eyes, and just purring his little heart out. Moments like these are worth cleaning a litter box.

My work really likes me. I talked to my boss today about my availability, and he said "sure, whenever you can get the time to work. We need good people." So unless something goes wrong, I should always be able to have work when I need it. I like it there. The people are really nice, and it is kinda fun.

I am going to be in Tampa the weekend of May 15th. I am going to fly in so I am really excited to be able to go back and see my friends. The only problem is that I won't have transportation since I will be flying. Kenny was sweet enough to even say that he would have let me borrow one of his cars had I known how to drive a stick . . . and he has ridden with me before!

Well, I missed going to the gym because I was off buying furniture. I told myself I was going to put in the pilates video when I got home so I better be true to my word.


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