Tuesday, April 26, 2005


There is a Dave Matthews concert coming into town that I know someone who would love to go to it. However, I don't know where he is now since we lost touch. Just thought I would mention it.

Flag football was canceled today because it was a little rainy. I cleaned up the house. For the first time in my life, I got my hair re-cut. I was unhappy with my $30 hair cut, so I went and got it cut somewhere else for $13. The girl was really nice, and I am much happier with it now. We exchanged numbers because she is close to my age. It is cool; maybe I made a new friend.

I am listening to Norah Jones playing on my DVD player (since I don't have a CD player). I am going to go to bed soon so I am not sleepy tomorrow. I got approved to work from home on Monday so I can attend a meeting with some professors on campus.

On Friday, I am going to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert with the singles group at church. On Sunday, I am going to church then I am going to hang out with some of my girl friends. I think it is next Friday that I am going to go to the Alan Jackson concert.

I need to go to Home Depot tomorrow. Maybe I can make it before yoga.

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