Monday, April 18, 2005

Home Sweet Home

It isn't home until the cats move in. I moved the cats to the house today after church. It is official now! After church, I went to lunch with a friend of mine named Jonathan. He is from Raleigh. He helped me move the cats from the apartment to my house. I spent a few hours unpacking very slowly, but then my friend Jason came over and helped me unpack. He was great! We got probably about 80% of the boxes unpacked tonight. After Jason left, Jessica came over. I helped her put together an Excel graph that she needed for work. I was going to go to the Care Group at church, but I ended up cancelling because I wanted to get unpacked as much as possible.

The house is looking good. I am looking forward to getting to Home Depot and getting some paint for these walls! The cool thing is that there is plenty of extra room. God has been really great to me.

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