Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Impossible

God, you can make the impossible possible. Only You. I pray that you remind us of this everyday. In fact, I pray for our prayers to extend beyond the capabilities of what we think are possible so that we can profess our faith and trust in You. Let us pray that those who are terminally ill be healed. Let us pray for those who have made poor decisions in their lives be given another and another chance. Let us pray for immorality to go away and for every child to be free from sexual predators. Let us pray for lost loves to be recovered. Let us pray for enemies to become friends. Let us pray that Your coming will be in our lifetime. Let us pray for the impossible. I pray for those who don't know you to find you tomorrow. I pray for good to come from disasters like 9/11 and the recent tsunamis (can't spell) so that they aren't just random occurrences of devastation. God, I can't make any of these things happen. I can't do anything without you. I need you so desperately. Take care of this world because we are lost without You. Through Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

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