Saturday, May 21, 2005

Sunrise, Sunrise - Like Morning in Your Eyes

I have been a busy girl. I went to Center City after Five with some friends and saw a live band on Thursday. Last night I just vegged at home. I worked until about 7:15 PM. Today, I have a meeting with Su, another PhD student at UNCC. He and I are doing a project for the university. At 2 PM is a neighborhood pool party. I told Jason he should come with me because I know it is just going to be me and a bunch of couples. This is definitely a family oriented neighborhood!

I need to get on the ball and make Bryan a thank you dinner for doing such an awesome job watching the cats. I also need to stop by Ashley furniture and decide which bedroom suite I want to exchange my chair and a half for. I have a lot to do!

I still need to put together my desk and bookshelves. I need to start organizing things to make sure they get done. My summer class starts on Tuesday. I got $7K in student loans for summer school financial aid. I don't really need it, but they are cheap loans so why not?

Charlotte isn't small, but it is a small world! When I was downtown on Thursday, I saw a guy I had chatted with on-line. So, me being who I am, I walked right up to him and asked him if he was who I thought he was . . . and he was! He remembered who I was too. I thought that was funny, but then even more coincidental things happened. I went home that night and ANOTHER guy I was chatting with sent me a message saying "I saw you tonight at the concert, and you are cute." Hilarious. Then, I was browsing some profiles, and I came across a picture that I HAD TAKEN. I was like, dude! I opened up the ad, and it was a guy I had interned with at Home Depot two years ago. Funny.

Since I am not a bar girl, I am very thankful for the internet. I have met tons of people - almost too many. It is hard to make sure to keep in touch with everyone.

But, I still love my friends back in Tampa Bay. Hey guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love you too. Glad you are home safely.