Monday, May 23, 2005

In Someone Else's Shoes

I have decided that you can never judge someone if you have never been where they are in live. For instance, I have never had three kids, so I can't say that my sister Lisa has it easier or harder than someone who works all the time. And no one can give me advice on being single if they have never really been single before.

Not sure why that came up. I worked a little late today, and I came straight home to meet for a research project I am working on. I am working from home tomorrow, and my first class starts at 5 PM tomorrow. I am kind of excited and kind of nervous.

I will be working from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays since it will be easier to make it to class. It is really cool that my work was flexible enough to allow that.

I think Samford and Sons is on, but I am not quite sure.

Ann is coming to visit this weekend, so I need to clean up the house some. I am looking forward to the 3 day weekend!


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