Monday, May 02, 2005

DMV - not too bad

I went to the DMV today to get the form to take to the optomitrist (sp?). However, they had me take the NC eye exam, and I passed. Scary! So since I passed that step, I had to take the written driving test of which I never even opened up a book to study. And I passed! Scary again! Then I had to get my picture taken for my license. Luckily, it turned out okay even though I hadn't planned on having a picture taken today. So that was my adventure today. Now I have to figure out how to get my tag changed.

I should probably take a change of clothes with me tomorrow since I will probably have to play flag football.

Kudos to my friend Jason!! He came over yesterday and helped me move the table I bought from the girl I sublet the apartment from. He also fixed my cabinet handles and installed a new shower head. He even let me drag him to Target so I could go shopping for bathroom accessories. Jason, you are so cool!

I will miss my current job once school starts, but hopefully I can keep in touch with them and work when I have the availability.

Kenny is going to come visit me in June and take me to the Dave Matthews concert. I am going to the Alan Jackson concert on Thursday with my friend Bert from work.

They did a great two part series about Heaven and Hell at church. I recommend listening.


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