Monday, May 16, 2005

Sure, I'll Call You to Let You Know I Got Home Safely

Okay, so I didn't call anybody once my plane landed. Is that really surprising? I never do, and I warned them. I had a great time in Tampa. I got to see Kenny, Lizzie, Felicia, Melanie, Adam, Ann, Marlena, Pedro, Jamie, Clint, Liz, and Kayla. Am I missing anyone? I might be because I am pretty tired right now.

Bryan did a great job watching the cats. They were still alive when I got home. I am about to go to bed so I can attempt to get up in time for work tomorrow.

I have to admit that I actually watched the finale of the bachelor. I thought he was going to pick the ditzy overly complimentary chick, but he chose the more serious and cautious chick. There is hope for me yet!

I am very thankful for all of my friends and everything else that I have in my life. I can't complain that I am missing anything . . . except that one thing. I am sure things will work themselves out with God's help. I have realized that it isn't about being perfect so someone will love me. It is about being me. I mean, look at how many very imperfect people out there are happily married!

I digress - well, not really since I wasn't talking about anything specific. Classes start soon. I am getting a little anxious about that. I want to start getting my house in shape. I am excited about Ann visiting, but I am worried that she won't like my house. I know, I know, I am paranoid.

There is scum in my pond. Would it be rude to ask my neighbor to clean it?

I'm liking me better lately. I think the fresh start is helping. There isn't anyone to remind me of things I have screwed up or at least they thought I screwed up. In general, everyone who meets me thinks I am pretty cool. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. They just meet me and accept me. It's great!

Sleepy time. Everyone has Star Wars plans but me. Anyone want to go?

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