Sunday, May 22, 2005

Never Thought That Would Happen . . .

I accidentally went on a date with an NFL football player tonight. He was nice, but that was completely unexpected. I told him how great I was at flag football. :-) I am sure that impressed him. I think I also accidentally called him retarded, but it was completely unintentional.

I am IMing with Joel right now who is still in Afghanistan. Scuro is mashing me which is making all of this a little bit harder.

It is pretty late. We just finished watching 12 Angry Men. That movie was awesome. However, I need to get some sleep before getting up for church in the morning.

Jason came over earlier today, and we hung out. We had ice cream from Cold Stone's. Yummy Cheescake ice cream with graham cracker pie crust, strawberries, and blueberries. Scott and I had dinner at Chili's. I need to go to the gym tomorrow.


Well, that is enough about the adventures of Pam for today!

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Well, you're gonna have to give us more details than that, for heaven's sake.