Friday, November 17, 2006


I just finished the exam review for my class. They are going to be annoyed that I didn't post it on-line, but they are supposed to be in class so they will have to deal with it.

I just read this article from the Wired RSS I thought it was very true for a lot of people including myself. I thought it was cool someone actually admitted it. I don't think people research their ex's necessarily to get back together. I know for myself, sometimes it is just a way to deal with how someone who used to be your best friend is now a complete stranger. Plus, I am competitive and want to get married before all my ex's. ;-)

I am pretty easy to find on the Internet. My blog or my personal home page comes up at the top of the search engines as long as you use my last name. Yeah, I still haven't beaten out Pamela Anderson on the search engines yet. I am working on it.

Anyway, class starts in about an hour. I am tired. I plan to end class early because I am supposed to catch a plane at 4:20 PM. I haven't finished packing . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have posted this comment if you hadn't said something that rang so true. Life is very funny at times. I'm not sure if I fall into the ex category, but I do hope you are doing well:)