Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fat Tuesday

I went downtown for a meeting with Wachovia today. Our department at UNCC is trying to see if there are good research opportunities within Wachovia for which we can help. After that, I went home and worked. Today was much more productive than yesterday. I found out that I got a bonus and a raise that I wasn't expecting. I had raviolis for lunch and another omelet for dinner. I had cheese dip and chips for a snack. My brokerage account went up $420.68. All of my mutual funds are positive earning but one. It went from negative 7% to negative 3% so that is an improvement at least.

Happy birthday Tony! My brother-in-law is going to be 34 tomorrow. (He is a year YOUNGER than my boyfriend.) I am getting old, but at least I can say they are still older than me!

I think I am going to try to visit my mom January 12-15 sometime. I have off from class that Monday for MLK Day.

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