Monday, November 13, 2006

Google Blogger

Looks like Google bought blogger. I have officially converted. Not exactly sure what that means though. I am sleepy. I spent the whole day trying to track down this stupid issue at work. I hate VB6, Crystal, and Dlls. Argh.

I made mushroom, asparagus, and goat cheese omelets for dinner tonight. I had something similar for brunch in LA, so I decided to see if I could replicate it. It came out pretty good.

I am trying to make one of those nifty slide shows everyone has these days, but I don't have the patience to sit and wait for the photos to upload. It takes freaking forever. I keep losing all my work. I give up.

The next few weeks are going to be extremely busy for me as the semester wraps up. I am not looking forward to it. I have figured out my schedule for the Spring:

Monday: 6-9:30 PM Class
Tuesday: 9-5 PM Work
Wednesday: 3:30-6 PM Class, 6-9:30 PM Teach
Thursday: 9-5 PM Work
Friday: 9-1 PM Work, 2-4:30 PM Class

So, it looks like I won't be getting much published next semester either. I know it doesn't look like that many hours, but you have to include taking care of the house, studying, traveling to CA, and everything else I have going on. It gets to be quite a lot. I am stressed.

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