Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Along Came a Spider

I killed a spider in my office today. Is it a sin to kill bugs? Chris saw Susan and Kirk at Midtown last night. I was supposed to go, but I stayed home instead.

I am going to look weird at the airport this Friday. I am bringing two laptops along with my luggage. Work is a little frantic that I am going to be out next week. Seems like our work ebbs and flows . . . so I am going to bring my work laptop so I can log in if there is an emergency.

I want to do some volunteer activity for the holidays. I found some possibilities for when I am in LA, but I need to give some places a call. Seems like people tend to get into a more philanthropic mood during the holidays so they might not need anymore volunteers.

Oh yeah, today is Tony's birthday. I need to give him a call later today or tomorrow.

I know it sounds funny, but if I didn't have so much to do, I would get so much more done. I have all these ideas of things I can write and research, etc. However, it is hard to find the time to do them.

If only I didn't like to sleep so much.

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