Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I Put on Jeans Today

The last few days, I have been working from home. On Monday, I actually worked from bed the whole day. However, I got quite a bit done. Today, I ventured out in the world and actually put on some real jeans. I met my friend Bennet for dinner at Olive Garden.

It is 11 PM, and I am about to go to bed. I have office hours in the morning, and I have the feeling I am going to have a lot of frantic students coming by to talk to me about their final projects. Maybe I should just have them writemy research paper for me, and they will stop complaining . . .

I always end up doing Christmas shopping at the last minute because the semester ends mid-December. I love being able to buy and ship everything on-line. That is my only saving grace. Shoot, I can't wait until it is acceptable to send thank you e-mails instead of notes. I still have to send my Auntie Es and Uncle Herb a thank you for my birthday gift.

I am a bit grumpy right now. My last conversation with Mark didn't go that great. We are both so darn temperamental. Huh, I just found out temperamental had two a's in it.

I better get to bed. I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I am in semester crunch time. G'night.

. . . Just my luck, Blogger is down for its 8 PM PST maintenance. Luckily it retained my post so I will have to post it again in a few minutes.

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