Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thanks Mom!

Today is my birthday, and the person I have to thank most is my mom. She has probably been the one to put up with the most grief from me over the years. When things go wrong, sometimes I tend to find her responsible. I know she loves me, and I love her. Thanks for being my mom.

Special thanks to:
Andrew - great happy birthday movie clip. Definitely made me smile.
Frank - I love that you always remember my birthday.
Pei Jen - for calling me an old hag.
Kim & Tony - thanks for the earrings
Tausha & Michael - thanks for the card!
Mom - thanks for the license plate thingy and picture frame
Lisa et al. - thanks for the ornament and earrings
Joel - thanks for the bras, keyboard, putting up with me
Stacey - thanks for the CD. I know I need to get back to church!
Gene - Thanks for the e-card
Jason - thanks for the e-mail
Tim - thanks for the e-mail. You did get the right day
Bryan - tahnks for dinner and the morning text message
Dr. Khouja - thanks for the hershey's kisses
Mrs. Burroughs - the great happy birthday wish she left on my voicemail
Work et al. - thanks to those who remembered. Glad you forgot to bring the tiara.
Muhammed - thanks for the text message
Jess, Susan, etc. - thanks for the happy birthday posts
Scuro and Ra - thanks for playing with the ribbon from the wrappings
Dave - thanks for the IM last night
Dr. Ribarsky - thanks for making the abstract due at midnight instead of this morning

I think that covers it so far. Love you guys.



liraelwiddershins said...

Hope the earrings were delicate enough ! I spent your birthday knocked out in my bed on hydrocodone. Say hey to Joel & Everyone else. Isn't Pedro's birthday soon? I'm horrible at remembering birthdays. Hey! It is. Last year we drank our wine and this year we were supposed to drink his! ;-) Guess we'll have to postpone that. You looked nice on your b-day. That's a gift in itself - health & good looks. :-)

Anonymous said...

Belated birthday felicitations. :-)