Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Beautiful NC Day

The weather was absolutely perfect today. Pearl was topless on the way home from work. Joel painted another wall today, so the house is coming along well. I had my first official PhD exam last night. It went well except I wrote so much my pen ran out of ink. I have been meeting a lot of new people. I have been working/studying quite a bit as well. I have a PhD picnic on Saturday, and I am going to go to the Renaissance Festival on Sunday. I will probably get some medeival garb for Halloween. Joel bought some when he went last weekend. I thought about borrowing his suit of armor and going as my own knight in shining armor, but then I thought that might be too pathetic. Enough for tonight. I think I am going to try to get to sleep early. Made pork chops, mac and cheese, and asparagus for dinner. I like cooking.

Joel Reynolds, Joel Lee Reynolds, CPL Joel Reynolds - He was complaining that he wasn't hitting the search engines. :-)

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