Saturday, October 22, 2005


I am sitting down to rewrite my proposal. I have been busy the past few days. Last night, Gene and I went to the Cheescake Factory and to the Comedy Zone. They were having a celebrity show with some people from Living Single. It was a good show. Today I had a picnic with the BISOM PhD students and faculty. I just got back. Tomorrow I am going to church then to the Renaissance Festival with some friends.

Hey, Rob. I tried to figure out more about you. From what I can find, you are either:

a) The child of Lynn and Robert
b) A big fan of The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy, The Primitives, Stereolab
c) About 30 years old
d) An employee of the national weather service
e) A Broncos fan
f) Take growth hormones
g) Into Dance Party
h) Into BMX bikes
i) Initialed RSW or REW
j) A swinger

Anywhere close? I found other info, but I didn't think it would be appropriate to post things like last names, addresses, and phone numbers. I mean, there ARE crazy Internet stalkers out there. :-)

Talk to you guys later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of them are correct. Some of them most definitely are not! Anyways, nice detective work ;)

Sorry if I creeped you out. I was drinking that night, and I tend to get carried away! (even though I have never looked anything up about you...I just read your blog)