Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Let's See What My Destiny Is for Today

Daily Verse:
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
--Isaiah 55:6

You'll be torn between keeping absolutely, one hundred percent silent, and letting every single fact become common knowledge. The real dilemma will be deciding whether it's more important to be the authority figure or please the one who's one step over you on the ladder. Such a decision .... Still, once you've made it, don't waffle. Let the rest of the world play games. Think of how much fun it'll be to watch.

Chinese Horoscope:
This day will be particularly favorable to large-scale financial operations; you'll be confident, and you won't hesitate to use your good relationships. You'll feel very happy in the company of your mate; you'll want to linger and to let yourself go. This planetary ambiance will stimulate you, and you'll have the desire to be up to any task. You may have such a passion for collective life that you'll join an association or throw a party; follow your inclination

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