Saturday, October 08, 2005

Conehead the Barbarian

I found my toe ring! Yay!

Joel, Bryan, and I went dancing at the Breakfast Club tonight. I had fun. I wish people weren't allowed to smoke in places like that. Nothing like working up a good sweat so that the smoke just sticks to your skin and hair. Yummy.

There is a wine festival tomorrow. Designated driver tickets are only $5 cheaper than wine tasting tickets. What a rip off! I will probably try to get some friends together to go.

I missed class today. Joel and I went to South Park Mall so I could exchange the bras he got me for my birthday. They were nice, but I am not a big fan of a lot of padding in a bra. So, anyway, today was his first day driving on the interstate. We are still alive. However, it started raining really hard and traffic got backed up, so by the time I made it back to the University area, class was probably already over. I hope they don't get too upset with me!

I talked to Lisa (my sister) and Mom on the phone today. I got to talk to my neice Rachael too. She is getting so big! Her birthday is coming up soon. She will be half my age - 13. Wait a minute - unless she is 13 and will be 14. It is so hard to keep up!

I need to go out more often. I like getting compliments from strangers. Some of them are kinda scary, but some of them are genuine and nice. The bouncer guy at the club was sweet. He said I looked very pretty and smiled at me. I stayed clear of the guy who said "damn, girl" as I walked by. No wonder no one ever picks me up in bars or dance clubs, I run away! I know I am a very social person, but it some ways, I am really shy.

Sleepy. G'night.

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