Thursday, October 06, 2005

More Thanks

More people to thank for acknowledging my birthday: Joel (dinner), Cecil, Pedro, Ann, Rick, Kenny, Wes, and Pete.

I am very full. I had a steak and potato and fried cheesecake for dessert.

I have some free time next week because I am off from class on Monday and Tuesday. I am going to do something fun this weekend. However, I do have to put in some hours rewriting my proposal. Su and I are working together on two projects so I have been seeing a lot of him lately. I wish he would talk more in class though because since we are the only two in class, I have to pretent to know what I am talking about all the time.

Muhammed and I had this theory. We decided that 26th birthdays are just supposed to suck. He didn't have a very great birthday a few months ago. Mine was okay, but I am trying to remind myself to be thankful for all the people who did call instead of being upset about the one person who didn't call.

Anyway, Muhammed - you are supposed to call tomorrow and tell me when you want to get together. It has been forever since we have hung out.

Here is a picture of Joel and I before going out to dinner:

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