Monday, October 10, 2005

Non-Stick Pam

Joel and I went running tonight. I have never been that great of a runner. He gave me a calf rub afterwards because I was getting shin splits. Dancing in heels the other night plus running tonight - bad combo. I smell like cherry almond lotion now.

Interesting comment about my feet: "Some people have high arches. But, you, it looks like you were born with high heels on."

Assessment of My Life:
-School is going well. I am a little behind on a proposal for one of my classes, but everything else is going well.
-Work. Work has been awesome. I like working with Woody because we have fun with it. They have been very flexible with my work schedule which helps. And I got a really good performance review.
-House. The house is looking awesome! Joel has been painting, and we have been slowly putting everything together.
-Cats. Scuro is doing well. Ra's tail is healing up nicely. His fur is growing back so his butt is starting to look its normal orangish color.
-Financial. I can't complain. I am no where near the starving college student level that I am supposed to be. I have money invested and put away for retirement. My creit score is really high, and my school is paying for my PhD.
-Health. I am glad Joel is here because he gets me out jogging from time to time. I need to eat a little better, but I am not eating horribly.
-Time. Okay, this one needs some work. I don't have much free time, so I am often sleepy these days.
-Friends. I have been socializing with my friends. I have been making a lot of new friends. I need to make more female friends - the male friendships always get too complicated.
-Love Life. Yeah, the Todd thing sucks. I am sure I will hear from him one day. I have met a few nice guys on-line. Most of them are a little farther away than I would like, but I have been raising my standards lately. Can't always find the perfect guy right down the road (Joel would probably argue with that). I am reaffirming my strategy to find a great guy and a stable, happy relationship. I am going to do my best to find out if the next guy is the right one before getting all involved with anyone.
-Family. Good, I talked to Kim, Lisa, and Mom last week. I have already made Thanksgiving plans.
-Faith. I really need to work on this. I have been praying regularly, but I have done little other seeking recently. I think I am going to see if I can tag along with Matt and his wife to their church group next week.
-What else? I am sure I am missing some facet of my life, but I can't think of any right now.

Emotional health-wise, I am doing all right. Things get a little tougher when I am more stressed. However, I have realized that I really only get depressed when people I care about treat me like they don't care about me. I don't get depressed over school, money, work, etc. Those things are pretty much cake. I have a internal locus of control except for the most part. I make my choices and define my success. However, I have an external locus of control to the extent that what really matters to me are other people. Am I using these terms correctly? Let me check . . . ooh, I found an article. Hmmm. Well, whatever, you get the point.

I think I am going to go Latin dancing soon. It sounded like fun. Maybe I will take some ballroom dancing lessons or something. I really want to find a recreational activity. I know I don't have much spare time, but I think I would be lessed stressed if there was some kind of activity outside of all the things I have to get done.

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