Thursday, October 27, 2005

Long Day

I have been crazy busy lately. I bought two Halloween costumes today. I bought a Vampirette costume and a foilage fairy costume (which looks better on Joel than me - don't ask).

Gene and I were supposed to go see a movie tonight, but he had to work late. What a punk! (Joking)

I am sleepy!! Nothing profound going on in my head tonight. I need to get some fangs.

Everyone is breaking up it seems like. Maybe something is in the air. I guess I should be lucky that I don't have a boyfriend because I would have to worry about breaking up. Boy, does that cause emotional distress! My prayers are with those who are going through it right now . . .

On a more positive note, Ra's butt is beginning to look more orange again.



Anonymous said...


I will leave you alone if you want me to, Pam...

Pamela Wisniewski said...

You aren't bothering me (guessing you are Rob, but really I am not sure). :-)