Saturday, September 29, 2007


Ru ate my new flip flops today. That made me sad. I went to my house and did some research this afternoon. Mike stayed home while painters came over to paint a few things around his house. Mike is in his bonus room laying hardwood floors. He thinks it is going to take a few more hours. He had to rent power tools from Lowes, so he doesn't want to have to rent them for an extra day. Things are coming along nicely, and he and Ru should officially be moved in by the end of October. His house is covered with drop cloths right now, but after the painters are done, the house should almost be ready to show.

I started a scrapbook for Mike and I. I was going to wait and give it to him as a wedding gift, but I was too excited about it and gave it to him as an engagement gift instead. He really liked it. We are busy lately, but we are happy. Knowing that all the work we are doing right now is to ensure things for our life together in the future keeps us going. His mom is taking me to a bridal expo tomorrow to start looking for vendors for the wedding. Very exciting!

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