Saturday, September 08, 2007


Mike loves me. He used a calling card to call me from Amsterdam today. I could tell he was really sleepy, but he missed me and wanted to hear my voice. I love him so much. My life is so much better with him in it. I worry about him when he is traveling because I don't know what I would do if he didn't come home safely to me. I pray that God takes good care of him when he is gone and that he comes home to me safe and sound. Amen.

I took Ru to training at PetSmart this morning. I took a nap at Mike's place and did some shopping today. I didn't get much research done. Tomorrow will be a research day.

Here is my fall schedule:

Monday, Tuesday - work
Wednesday - work 2
Thursday - research
Friday - work, seminar

Here are some upcoming events:

9/15 - Carowinds
9/22 - Savannah so Mike can meet Mom and Watson
10/6 - Mike and I visit Kim and Tony in Chicago for my birthday
11/3 - Sheepdog trials
11/22 - Thanksgiving at Kim and Tony's

Whoa, Barry Manilow looks a lot like Rod Stewart.

Anyway, I am going to get busy goofing off tonight so I can be productive all day tomorrow.

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