Sunday, September 16, 2007


We are meeting mom and Watson in Savannah for the weekend next weekend. Mom was telling me to tell Watson over the phone about "our good news," and I said that it wasn't official yet . . . Watson said, "Well, dear, this young man isn't toying with your emotions now is he?" It was soo funny. Watson is a hoot.

We will probably meet them around 11:30 AM which means we will have to get up pretty early. Mike already knows that I will fall asleep on the way there. He got us hotels with his points so mom wouldn't complain that we were spending too much money.

I wasn't feeling that great today. We were supposed to pick up the hardwood for my floor today, but Home Depot didn't have it in stock. It worked out though because they are going to deliver it tomorrow. Mike will have to be here because I have to go in to work tomorrow. We had breakfast at Panera then went over to some older gentleman's house to look at some left over Brazilian Cherry hardwood he had. Mike is going to buy it to finish out this little room he has upstairs in his house. Then Mike dropped me off at my place because I left Pearl here. I napped then did some research.

Yesterday we went to Carowinds with Matt and Amy. Matt doesn't like riding roller coasters or spending money, so I don't know if he really had fun or not. We had fun. It was nice out, not too hot, and we got to ride on some nice rides.

I am trying to sell a whole bunch of stuff on Craigslist, some mine, some Mike's to make room in my house. I think we will be fine, but I hate clutter.

Mike is on his way over, and I am just goofing off for the rest of the night. Sweet dreams!

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