Thursday, September 06, 2007

Home Depot

Home Depot is coming over today to measure the house for hardwood floors and new carpet. I have been staying at Mike's house lately. He is getting his house ready for sale, and he and Ru are going to move in here in November. We would live in his house, but it is a little too small for all of us (Mike, Pam, Scuro, Ra, and Ru). And he will get more of a profit margin on selling his house than if I sold mine. Chris said he is going to move out by October 31st.

Mike checks my blog on occasion, and he says I must be happy because I didn't blog that day. It is true that I tend to blog less when I am happy. Things are going really well, and there should be some good news in a few weeks.

Mike actually washed Job yesterday. He hadn't been washed in years! Now he smells fresh and isn't covered with cat fur. He is a happy teddy bear now.

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